They may see play again, but unless you’re a huge fan of that specific deck archetype, you can probably part with the card.Īll that said, there are certainly cards that have not seen play in Classic and the more recent sets, but I’m not advocating you dust those for a couple of reasons. (Note: This isn’t a guarantee, and depends on how much you like to experiment Knuckles was on last year’s list, and I found myself crafting it a couple of months ago.) Cards that are listed as having seen fringe play are just that they were in decks that turned out to not be good enough to be meta relevant, or got swapped out for more powerful cards as decks got refined. Cards that are listed as safe to dust have seen virtually no play in the two years they’ve been in Standard, so they should be relatively safe to dust without worry that they’re suddenly going to be meta relevant in Wild. This guide is going to focus exclusively on cards from sets that are rotating out of Standard after the Year of the Raven comes to a close (Journey to Un’goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne, and Kobolds & Catacombs). The cards in this list probably don't spark joy. Just think of me as Marie Kondo for your Hearthstone collection. Luckily for you, though, the set rotation is coming with the April 2019 expansion! Not only does that mean you have 3 fewer sets to craft for Standard, you also may have some cards in the proverbial attic that you can trade for dust without affecting your future competitive prospects. Even if you spend money on the game, if your luck is poor or you haven’t been min-maxing your quests, you might find yourself two epics or one legendary short of any given deck. Having a collection that allows you to build competitive Hearthstone decks is hard.